October 13, 2009

Westley and Maclean's Model

This model say about 2 context, interpersonal and mass communication. And the point of difference between interpersonal and mass communication is the feedback. In interpersonal, the feedback is direct and fast. In the mass, the feedback is indirect and slow.

There is 5 parts in this model on interpersonal communication : object orientation, messages, source, receiver, and feedback. Source (A) see object or some activities in their environment (X) and create a message about that think (X')which sent to receiver (B). In that turn, the receiver will send a feedback about message to the source.

In mass communication this model have another parts, it's called gate keeper (C) or opinion leader which receive the message (X') from source of mass media (A) or by seeing object orientation (X1, X2) in his environment. And then, the gate keeper is creating their own messages (X")which sent to a receiver (B). So, the filter process is formed.

There is some important concept from this model : feed back, the differences and similarity between interpersonal and mass communication, and opinion leader which become an important thing in mass communication. This model is also separated purposive and non purposive messages.

Source : Deddy Mulyana : 2000


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