October 21, 2009

Interactional Model

This model think that human is an active person. Symbolic quality is contained in interactional word, so this model is clearly different with an ordinary interaction which signed by stimulus - response trade. This model is developed by George Herbert Mead who have a student named Herbert Blumer. Symbolic interaction perspective is known more in sociology, although is still have some influences in other discipline.

This model think that people as a communicator is active, reflective, and creative , interpret, shows complicated act and hard to be predicted. In this context, Blumer show 3 premise which become the basic of this model. Firstly, Human act based on the meaning that individual give to their environment. Second, that meaning has direct relation with social interaction which individual do to their social environment. And the last but not least, the meaning is created, resisted, and changed by interpret process which individual done in order to keep in touch with their social environment.

Source : Deddy Mulyana, 2000