April 16, 2014

Various Type of Ad

In communication, ad is some influental aspect that will help company to communicate their product or service to public. But, Ad is not only selling. There is a lot type of an Ad that we must know. So today, let us discuss about various type of Ad. 

In this first post, we will mention 3 various type of Ad, and after that, we will discuss each of them more completely. Hope you enjoy it!

So this is various type of Ad according to Erna Wati, M.St

Various objective from ad that made by company affects on different various type of an ad. The Ad that appear often in media and generally made by company is as follow:

A. Commercial Ad

Commercial ad is an ad that purposely support marketing campaign of some product and service. There is also various type of commercial ad that we will explain later.

B. Corporate Ad

An Ad that purposely made for image building of some company and in the end also build the positive image of products or service that company provided.

C. Public Service Ad

Public service Ad is a part of social marketing campaign that purposely offer an idea or premise for the sake of public and also for public service.

After this, we will discuss about each type of that Ad. We hope you stay in touch with us!


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