19. Cultural Norms Theory (Cultural Norms Theory)
The theory of cultural norms by Melvin DeFleur essence is that the mass media through the selective presentation and emphasis on certain themes, creating impressions on the audience where the cultural norms of the general topics that are formed by weighted in certain ways. Hence individual behavior usually guided by cultural norms regarding a particular thing, amak communication media will indirectly affect behavior.20. Standpoint Theory
This theory explains that individuals experience, knowledge, and communication behavior largely shaped by the social group in which they are active (Wood, JT, 1982 in West, R., & Turner, LH, 2000). From this we can draw on systematic framework of identity-forming power of influence.Culturally, Indonesia before independence and the early days of the nation's independence is guyub. Communality is also carried on the Islamic community collectives. We recognize the existence of the NU pesantren community, and Muhamadiyyah in the period before independence. After Suharto's policies in the 1980s era of closer to Islam, and Islamic collective community mushroomed. And the increasing number of collective community is then greatly influenced the lives of the citizens of Indonesia. It can be concluded that the influence of the global media has been reduced by the presence and influence of the collective community that has a high context culture.
21. Systematic Theory of Behavior (Hull)
Clark C. Hull follow the lead of Thorndike in his efforts to develop a theory of learning. Digunakanya principles similar to what is proposed by behaviorist stimulus-response basis and the presence of reinforcement.Clark C. Hull put forward his theory, namely that a requirement or a "state driven" (by motive, purpose, intent, aspiration, ambition) must exist in a person who learns, before a response can be strengthened on the basis of a reduction in the requirement. In this case study the efficiency of the reduction depends on the level of satisfaction and motives that cause businesses to learn it by the responses of individuals who made it. Every object, event or situation may have value as an amplifier when it is associated with a decline to a state of deprivation (lack of) on the individual self; ie if an object, event or situation was able to answer an individual's needs at the time to respond.
The principle of reinforcement (reinforcer) using the whole situation that motivates, ranging from biological urge anyone who is a primary requirement until the results are rewarding for a person (eg: money, attention, affection, and high levels of social aspirations). So, the main principle is a need or motive must exist in someone before learning that happens; and that what is learned it should be observed by those who learned it as something that can reduce the power needs or satisfy their needs.
22. Theory Conectionism (Thorndike)
According to the theory of trial and error (trying and failing), every organism when faced with a new situation will perform actions that are not try blindly if in an attempt to try it by chance there are actions that also meets the demands of the situation , the act which happens to fit it then "held". Due to the continuous workout time used antuk do something that fits it more and more efficient.Thus, according to Thorndike's learning through the process:
1) trial and error (trying and failing), and
2) law of effect; Which means that any behavior which means there is a satisfactory state (matched with the demands of the situation) will be remembered and studied with the best. While all behavior unpleasant repercussions will be removed or forgotten. This behavior happens automatically. Automatism in learning it can be trained with certain conditions, the animals also in humans.
Thorndike see that the organism (human being) as mekanismus; move or act only if there is a stimulant that affects him. The occurrence of automatism in learning caused by Thorndike's law of effect. In everyday life the law of effect can be seen in terms of reward or reward and also in terms of giving punishment in education. However, according to Thorndike more education is to play a role in terms of reward or reward and that is more advisable.
Because of the law of effect there was a relationship (connection) or the association between behavioral reactions that can bring something to the cost results (effect). Because of the connection between the reaction with the result that the theory Thorndike also called connectionism.
23. Theory of administration
Theoretician of the first and most influential administration is a French industrialist Henry Fayol ie in 1916, Fayol identified several management principles. These principles have been applied extensively in the design and practice of the organization and has a strong influence on the design of modern industrial and administrative organizations.Administration theory was developed as a prescriptive guide to the appropriate use of industrial organization management rules and authority directly. Here is shown the strengths and weaknesses of the theory of administration. The basic principle of prescriptive administration theory makes the theory very pragmatic and can be applied to business organizations. Previously, because there is no universal management principles that can be applied uniformly to all circumstances of the organization, administration theory principles can be misinterpreted, contradictory and inconsistent in its use when dealing with the problems of different organizations. In addition, as will be discussed in depth at the end of this chapter, the principles of administrative theory, such as the principle of bureaucracy, often attributed as a form of rigid and insensitive to the needs of members of the organization.
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