June 25, 2014

Various Type of Communication Theory (part 2)

7. Theory Konstruktvisme

Jean Piaget and Leu Vygotski are two names that are always associated with constructivism. Experts constructivism states that people form their own version of reality, they doubled the variety of ways to determine and describe something to learn first and second language acquisition.

Learning must be actively constructed by learners themselves rather than described in detail by others. Thus the acquired knowledge gained from experience. However, in developing the student experience should have the opportunity to speak his mind, to test these ideas through experimentation and conversation or asked questions, as well as to observe and compare the phenomenon that is being tested with other aspects of their lives. In addition, the teacher plays an important role in encouraging students to pay attention to the whole process of learning and offer a variety of ways and approach to exploration.

8. Theory Nativism

The term nativism resulted from a fundamental statement that learning a language is determined by talent. That every human being is born already have the talent to acquire and learn language.

Chomsky in Hadley (1993: 48) which is the main character of this group said bahwasannya only is man the only creature that God can communicate through verbal language. In addition it is also very complex language therefore not possible to learn the language of human beings other God. Chomsky also states that every child born into the world has had lunch with what he calls "the tool of language acquisition" or LAD (Language Acquisition Device). Chomsky in Hadley (1993:50) argues that learning a language is not just a subset of special competence of learning in general. How to speak much more complicated than just fixing Stimulus-Response. Chomsky in Hadley (1993: 48) says that the existence of useful talent to explain the secret of the child's first language acquisition in a short time, because of the LAD. According to this class to learn a language is essentially just filling process detail the rules or the rules of language structure into the LAD are already available naturally in the human.

9. Theory Cognitivism

According to Piaget in Mansoer Pateda (1990: 67), one of the leaders of this group said that the complex structure of the language is not something given by nature and it's not something that is learned through the environment. The structure was born and developed as a result of the continuous interaction between the child's level of cognitive functioning and the environment has been available lingualnya.Struktur naturally. Changes or language development in children will depend on the extent of involvement of the child cognitive actively with its environment.

According to this school we learn due to our ability to interpret the event or events that occur in the environment.

Language learning process occurs according to a particular pattern of developmentally appropriate age.
These stages include:

a. Assimilation: the process of adjustment of new knowledge with the cognitive structure

b. Accommodation: adjustment processes of cognitive structures with new knowledge

c. Disquilibrasi: the acceptance of new knowledge that is not the same as that already known.

d. Equilibrasi: mental balancing process after a process of assimilation.

10. Cybernetic theory

The term cybernetics comes from the Greek (Cybernetics means the pilot). The term Cybernetics translated into Indonesian into cybernetics, first used in 1945 by Nobert Wiener in his book Cybernetics.

Cybernetics is the theory of control systems based on communication (delivery information) between the system and the environment and between systems, controllers (feedback) from the system to function with due regard to the environment.

Along with the development of information technology, which was launched by scientists from the United States since 1966, the use of computers as a medium to convey information rapidly growing. This technology is also used for education, especially teachers communicate peer relationships, looking for handouts (book teaching materials), describes the subject matter or training, even to evaluate student learning outcomes. The basic principle of cybernetic theory that respects both the 'difference', that one thing would have differences with others, or that something will change as the time passes. Learning is described as: INPUT => PROCESS => OUTPUT.

11. Dependency Theory (Dependency Theory)

Dependence on media theory originally stated by Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin Defleur. Uses and gratifications theory such, this approach also rejects the initial hypothesis of a causal assumptions reinforcement. To overcome this drawback, the authors take a systems approach further. In their model they propose an integral relationship between the audience, the media. and the larger social system.

In line with what was said by the uses and gratifications theory, this theory predicts that the public depends on the information derived from the mass media in order to meet the needs of relevant audiences and achieve specific goals of the process of media consumption. However, it should be underlined that the audience does not have the same dependence on all media.

The second source is the dependence of social conditions. This model shows the media system and social institutions that interact with the audience in creating needs and interests. In turn, this will affect the audience to choose a variety of media, so it is not the source of the mass media that creates dependency, but social conditions.

To measure the effects of mass media on audiences, there are several methods that can be used, ie experimental research, survey and ethnographic research.

12. The Spiral of Silence Theory

The theory of the spiral of silence (the spiral of silence) presented by Elizabeth Noelle-Neumann (1976), deals with the question of how the formation of public opinion. This theory explains that the formation of public opinion is determined by a process of interplay between mass communication, interpersonal communication, and perceptions of individuals about their opinions in conjunction with the opinion of others in the community.


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