13. Inoculation Theory (Innoculation Theory)
Inoculation theory or theories injection is initially displayed by Mcguire's take the analogy of a medical event. People who are stricken with smallpox, polio injections. Given the vaccine to stimulate the body's defense mechanism. Similarly, people who do not have information about a case or not aware of the position on the matter, then it would be easier to dipersuasi or persuaded. A way to make it so that the effect is not easily subject to "inject" the reply argument (counterarguments).14. Cultivation Theory (Cultivation Theory)
Cultivation Theory (Cultivation Theory) is one of the theories that try to explain the relationship between communication media (in this case television) with violence. This theory was put forward by George Gerbner, former dean of the Faculty (College) University of Pennsylvania Annenberg Communication, who is also the founder of Cultural Environment Movement, based on his research on the behavior of a television audience that is associated with a variety of materials existing television programs in the United States.Cultivation theory basically states that addicts (spectators heavy / heavy viewers) television excessive build confidence that "the world was very scary". This is due to their belief that "what they see on television" which tend to present many violent events is "what they believed to occur also in everyday life".
More complete about cultivation theory.
15. Theory Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy theory relates to organizations that are arranged in an ideal society. Bureaucracy is achieved through the formalization of rules, structures, and processes within the organization. Max Weber (1948) is known as the father figure of the bureaucracy. According to Weber, the ideal bureaucratic organization includes eight structural characteristics.
Bureaucracy offers many powerful advantages in implementing practice standards organizations, in addition he also could restrict members of organizations and individuals working in it.
16. Theory Transactional Analysis
The theory of transactional analysis is a major work of Eric Berne (1964), who wrote the book Games People Play. Berne is a renowned psychologist of Humanism group. The theory is a theory of transactional analysis therapy is very popular and is used in almost all areas of consultation in the behavioral sciences. Transactional analysis theory has become one of the fundamental theory of interpersonal communication.The word always refers to the process of transactions in the exchange relationship. In interpersonal communication also known transaction. Which is exchanged messages of both verbal and nonverbal.
Transactional Analysis is actually aimed to examine in depth the process of transaction (anyone involved in it and what messages are exchanged).
In every human being, as quoted by Collins (1983), has three ego states. Basic attitude of the ego which refers to the attitudes of the parents (Parent = P. exteropsychic); attitude of adults (Adult = A. neopsychic); and ego child (Child = C, arheopsychic). The third attitude by all people (both adults, children, and parents).
17. Theory Expectation Value
Phillip Palmgreen trying to overcome the lack of attachment elements that exist in the uses and gratification theory by creating a theory called expectance-value theory (theory expectation values).In the framework of this theory, the satisfaction that you are looking for from the media is determined by your attitude towards the media - your beliefs about what a medium can give to you and your evaluation of the material. For example, if you believe that situated comedy (sitcoms), such as Bajaj Bajuri provide entertainment and pleasure you entertained, you will find satisfaction to your entertainment needs by watching sitcoms. If, on the other hand, you believe that sitcoms presents an unrealistic view of life and you do not like it like this you will avoid having to see it.
18. Diffusion of Innovation Theory
The most prominent diffusion theory proposed by Everett Rogers and his colleagues. Rogers presents the description is interesting about the spread of the process of social change, which is composed of the invention, diffusion (or communication), and consequences. Such changes can occur at the top of the group internally or externally through contact with change agents from the outside world. Contact may occur spontaneously or from an accident, or the result of the plan part of the outside agencies that vary in time, can be short, but it often takes a long time.In the diffusion of these innovations, the idea may take many years to be able to spread. Rogers stated that the realization of the goals of diffusion research is to find a means to shorten this delay. Once established, the consequences of an innovation will have consequences - perhaps they are functioning or not, directly or indirectly, real or latent (Rogers in Littlejohn, 1996: 336).
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