24. Functional Theory
With the advent of constructivism in psychology, in recent years it became clear that language learning is well developed under the notion of cognitive and memory structures.Language researchers began to notice that the language is a manifestation of cognitive abilities and effective way to explore the world, to connect with others and also to themselves sendirisebagai human purposes.
Moreover kaedah generative proposed under the auspices of nativism that is abstract, formal, explicit and logical, although the rule was more emphasis on language form and not at the level that is more functional than the established meaning of meaning formed from social interaction.
a. Cognition and language development
Piaget's research illustrates that the interaction between children and their environment with complementary interaction between the development of perceptual cognitive capacities with their language experience. The study deals with the relationship between cognitive development in the first language acquisition. Slobin states that in all languages, learning the meaning depends on cognitive development and more development sequence is determined by the complexity of the meaning of the complexity of the shape. According to him there are two things that determine the model:1) On a functional basis, followed by the development of the capacity development of communicative and conceptual scheme operates in conjunction with the inner conjunctions.
2) In the formal principle, followed by the development of perceptual capacity and information processing that works in conjunction and inner schemes grammar.
b. Social Interaction and Language Development
Lately more and more evident that the language functions develop well beyond the cognitive mind and memory structures. Here it appears that the social constructivist perspective emphasizes functional. Language is essentially used for interactive communication. Therefore suitable for the study is the study of the communicative function of language, pragmatics and communicative function assessed with any variability.25. The Social Learning Theory (Bandura)
Bandura learning theory (Albert Bandura: 1925) is a social learning theory or social cognitive and self-efficacy showed the importance of the process of observing and imitating the behavior, attitudes and emotions of others. Bandura's theory explains human behavior in the context of reciprocal interaction behavior between kognitine continuous behavioral and environmental influences. Factors is the observation that proceeds in attention, memory, motor production, motivation.It turns out that not all behavior can be explained by pelaziman. Bandura added the concept of social learning (social learning). He questioned the role of reward and punishment in the learning process. The traditional behaviorism explain that the words were originally no meaning, paired with a heap or object that has meaning (pelaziman classic).
26. Theory of operant conditioning (Skinner)
Skinner (1904-1990), consider the rewards and rierforcement an important factor role in learning. Skinner argues that the purpose of psychology is to predict the behavior control. This theory pda teacher gift or reward high value so that the child will be more diligent. This theory is also called operant conditioning. . Operans conditioning is a process of strengthening operans behavior that can lead to such behavior can be repeated again or disappear at will.Operant conditing stimuli.Bila not guarantee a response to stimuli showed no teacher can guide the students to direct their behavior. Teachers have a role in controlling and directing students in the learning process in order to reach the desired goal.
Skinners learning principles are:
- The results of the study should be immediately notified if any student be corrected if it is given a booster.
- The learning process should follow the rhythm of the study. The subject matter is used as a module system.
- In the process of learning more emphasis activity itself, the punishment is not used. For environments that need to be changed to avoid punishment.
- The desired behavior is rewarded educators and gifts should be given to use of a variable ratio schedule of reinforcer.
- In learning to use shapping.
27. Theory of Classical Conditioning (Pavlov and Watson)
According to the theory of conditioning (Ivan Petrovich Pavlo :1849-1936), learning is a process of change that occurs because of the requirements (conditions) that then cause a reaction (response). To be someone that we should learn to give certain conditions. The most important thing in learning by conditioning theory is the existence of a continuous exercises. The emphasis in this theory is to learn things that happen automatically.Adherents of this theory say that all human behavior. also none other than the result of conditioning. Namely results than exercises or habits of reacting to certain syarat-syarat/perangsang-perangsang that happened in his life.
The weakness of this theory is conditioning, this theory assumes that learning only happens automatically; liveliness and personal determination to disregard. The role of exercise / habits overstated. While we know that in the act and do something, man is not solely dependent on outside influences. Me or her own personal role in selecting and determining the actions and reactions of what it will do. The conditioning theory is right that we associate with animal life. In humans this theory we can only thank in particular learning things alone; for example in learning about skills (skills) and the habituation to certain small children.
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