October 16, 2009

Tubbs Model

It's all about 2 person communication. This model is suitable with concept of communication as a transaction, which assume that 2 communicator as a sender and also receiver a message. When we talk (send a message) actually we also observe our partner's behavior and we reacts with that. The process is a reciprocal and also spontaneous and simultaneously. The messages in this model could be verbal and non verbal. Could be intention and incidental. The Channel is a sensory. There is two type of noise in this mode : technical and semantic. Technical noise is a factor which make receiver feel a change in information. Semantic noise is a giving different meanings about the representation which sent by source.

In short ways, although in that model communicator 1 and 2 gain same aspect : input, filter, messages, channel, and noise. That aspect still different in contents.

Source : Deddy Mulyana : 2000


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