October 18, 2009

Gudykunst and Kim's Model

This model actually is an intercultural communication model. This model basely is suitable for face to face communication, especially for 2 people. Because there is no 2 person which have culture, social culture, and psycho culture precisely similar.

This model assume 2 persons which equal in communication, each of them as a sender and also a receiver, or both of of them encoding and decoding. Because of that, we can see that messages from someone is a feedback from the other one. Messages / feed back between them is represented by a line from someone's encoding to another decoding. The two lines shows that every one of us go and won't do anything until we get the feedback.

The aspect that completing this model environment. Environment persuade us in encoding and decoding a messages.

Source : Deddy Mulyana : 2000


  1. Can you give an example of a 2x2 matrix of Gudykunst and Kim's?
