April 03, 2014

Marketing Communication and Brand Equity

We are in the 2nd post about marketing communication. Yesterday, we just finished talking about The Role and Function of Marketing Communication. What, you don't read that yet? Just read it to keep up with this post.

Okay, now let's start the discussion about brand equity. Why brand equity? Simple, because brand equity is some important thing that marketing communication need, in order to have a long lasting and happily live in business.

Let's start with the most common thing that we should know. what is brand equity? Yes, that is the main thing that we should know. And then, we will continue with the mixture of marketing. Okay, let's go!

What is brand equity?

According to David A. Aaker (2000), brand equity is a series of asset and brand obligation that related to a brand, name, and symbol, which could increase or decrease value of product or service is given by company or customer.

It means, that brand equity is the way customer and company view on some brand. The good example of these brand equity is a brand equity of Mc Donald's. Mc Donald's could make their customer have some pride when they buy a beverages from there.

The mixture of marketing.

The mixture of marketing is consist of 6 major communication way:

1. Ad

Every form of presentation that not done by person and the promotion is an idea, product, or service by specify sponsor.

2. Sales Promotion

A various type of short time incentive to push people to try or buy the product or service.

3. Special Event and Experience

The company sponsoring events and programs that designed for creating everyday interaction which related to brand.

4. Public Relation and News

A various programs that designed for promote or protect company image or each product that they have.

5. Direct Marketing

Using phone, message, facsimile, e-mail, or internet to have a direct communication or asking feedback or chat with some customer or potential customer.

6. Private Selling

Eye to eye interaction with one or many prospective buyer in order to present (product or service), answer question, and get the order.

That was or discussion today about marketing communication and brand equity. Hope you enjoy it! :)


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