Author: Handito Hadi Joewono
Often we hear the classic word repeated from large and small businesses: "The making process is easy anyway, but it is important how to market". Because of its role is strategic, not surprisingly marketing become an important issue in business. Indeed there is little ambiguity in the language here, whether the question is a marketing or sales?
Whether the sale is part of the marketing? Of course not, although people often claim such marketing. To market is not the same as selling. The two are different but interrelated and equally had a role in the company. No wonder there is an established company director of marketing and sales director.
Marketing related to understanding the diverse markets and attempts to communicate, interact and influence consumer perceptions. Sales related to the understanding of the potential of trade and efforts to generate transactions. Both are equally important, interrelated and should have to work in synergy.
Within the framework of the state, for example, there is the trade department for the affairs of the sale of goods is one indicator of success is the value of export turnover. For the success of his duties, an official at the department of trade and diligently seek opportunities to understand the market and led exporters Indonesia-because the government does not doing business - to take advantage of market opportunities. Size of sales success: sales and market share.
Overseas departments, the Department of Communication and Information and public relations officials, including government spokesman as well as almost all other government agencies have a duty synergistically to form a positive perception in order to market Indonesia. They are not associated with the sale and purchase in order to generate a certain rupiah niai. Size marketing success: Awareness and Image.
Analogy with state management can be done at the corporate level. Sales person, although some are "not confident" and then calls itself marketing executive, had a clear task: Achieve sales turnover. Goal target consumers is the prospect customers.
Marketing people who are part of marketing communications, public relations and corporate communication has an important task to make your company or product is becoming increasingly well known and had positive perceptions among your target market and target audience. In general, the target audience has a wider range than the target market and target market have a greater reach than the prospect customers. And the three "persons" such that the target audiece, target market and prospect customers can be called in one name, the consumer.
Thus although different marketing and sales, marketing and sale of steps starting from the same point, namely: the consumer. And an understanding of the consumer is the key to initial success.
Who is the consumer
Companies can sell goods or services are marketed and sold to the "people" and "not a man". Which meant "not a" here can be a company or organization behind it is certainly driven by a "person". Among the millions of people or consumers, none the same. Each person is unique and consumers.
Because consumers are always eager to optimize the fulfillment of their needs with its limited resources, the diversity of consumers can be reviewed in terms of basic needs that motivate their shopping behavior.
Through motivation theory McClelland Theory of Learned neeeds, David McClelland revealed three basic needs that motivate a person to behave namely: Needs for achievement, needs for affiliation and needs for power.
Needs for achievement will encourage someone to work hard to achieve his goals. Needs for affiliation is realized in the form of personal relationships with the environment. Needs for power is a person's need to control those around him, including other consumers, and even companies marketer.
By understanding the consumer motivation, understanding of consumer behavior could have done with more care. Follow-up on understanding consumer motivation and behavior is not always done through the fulfillment of the expectations of consumers. It could be done precisely to transform the consumer.
Not all consumers can be easily transformed. The level of simplicity will be influenced by the type of consumers, namely: (1) the innovator or technology enthusiast (2) early adopter or a visionary, (3) early majority or a pragmatist, (4) late majority or conservative and (5) laggard or skeptic.
Of course, the launch of new products do not need to bother thinking about late majority laggard moreover, because they had "thought" to buy when others had "not thought" to buy. Suppose that in today's Internet era, there are still those "new" thinking of buying a plane telex machines. Or when there are now willing to buy a black and white television when it was "flooded" plasma TV. Consumers laggard type of new thinking "empowering" when an existing product on the market will be turned off. And they do not need to be transformed.
The concentration necessary even at the time of launching into innovators, early adapters when product been accepted among traders, and the most important is the type of early majority consumers which is a sign that the new product can already be accepted by the public.
An understanding of the diversity of consumers can be done in many other ways, and go ahead. The important thing is built awareness and willingness to see consumers as distinct individuals, and that's the first key to successful marketing entrance gate
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