March 27, 2014

The Purpose Of Communication Policy

After we post about minimum requirement of communication policy, now let's talk about the purpose of communication policy

The purpose of communication policy is something that we should know, if we want to understanding the full substance of communication policy. Just like we know before, communication policy is something that very important to the government in order to make their regime to be stand among their people, not againts their people.

And that's why, understanding the purpose of communication policy is a must. So, let's see, what is the purpose of communication policy:

Sociological purpose

In sociological aspect, communication policy is meant to put the process of communication as a part of social dynamics that not giving a loss to society.

Yeah, in sociologic, society must be considered as a main factor of government and the communication process behind it. It means, all communication policy must make the communication process become a profit to society. In other word, society must be helped by communication policies in order to make a better live in the country.

Communication purpose

In the communication aspect, communication policy must be a relief to the process of communication. By the appearance of this policies, the process must be helped. The communication performer must be helped by this policies. And also, the government must be helped by this policies.

So, what do you think about this purpose of communication policy? Let us know!


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